My Portfolio

Vanilla Projects

This is the entrypoint of my career as a developer, I started out building a solid foundation of basic frontend technologies used on the web. I quickly absorbed documentation about HTML, CSS and Javascript and tried to apply what I learned by building simple, but beautiful static web pages. All of the projects here are personal and not related to any employer or client.


I built this single page in vanilla html, some bootstrap and javascript to get a better grasp of the base web technologies. I believe this was the foundation of my current frontend skills.


Hire A Dev

After building Afrosound, I wanted some new challenge by building a better looking static website. It led to this fun project where I built a nice looking page with bootstrap and jquery.



I am a huge fan of video games, and this is probably my favourite static web page. For this one, I wanted an even bigger challenge, and decided not to rely on bootstrap. I am proud of the result and even used a library called 'Tilt.js' to add an awesome tilting effect on hover.


React & Next.js Projects

This is where the real fun actually starts. I deeply learned the workings of the famous React library and started building more complex projects. This is what got me hired and got me started as a Frontend developer. Very soon I picked up the excellent React Meta Framework called Next.js! I've already built impressive projects with it.


This is an online game to play a variant of 4Images1Word, a famous mobile game where you have to guess the correct word by looking the four hint images. This one took me a lot of work and taught me the importance of clean code and planning. I use firebase as the backend and Next.js on the UI side



I sometimes use the Pomodoro technique while coding, and I wondered if I could build my own. It made me realize that working with timers can be tricky, but it turned out fine.



Some developers prefer using a prebuilt website or template for their portfolio. I prefer quality handmade goods with ❤️


Gamos Yaar

A fun little project: A car searching web application leveraging a complete public car API. It is built using Next.js 13 and Tailwind


Gandyam Pay

This is a website I've built for an employer at Gandyam Ligdi, a fintech company based in Burkina Faso. They wanted a nice looking website for their latest money transfer mobile application. I built it with React and Material UI along with Framer Motion for animations.


Dyswis Web

DYSWIS (Do You See What I See) was my first projects at N7-Studio, a canadian software company. The crux of my work was to implement the UI of the registration pages, integrate a Stripe payment process and a customer dashboard to manage their subscriptions


React Native Mobile Projects

After working a lot with web technologies, I wished to become a mobile developer. React Native was the perfect choice for me and my employers. I have worked on complex enough UI screens and components and leverage the powerful Expo tool to streamline my app development process.

Dyswis Mobile

This is the mobile version of the Dyswis platform I worked on during my days at N7-Studio. It was a very interesting project and we leveraged Expo to make the development process faster. I learned about GraphQL and NX monorepos


Gandyam Pay Wallet

I am currently working on this mobile application at Gandyam Ligdi. As the name suggests, it is a mobile wallet built to facilitate transactions and money transfers in Africa.


Bibliobooks Mobile

Not only am I a technology enthusiast, but I am also an avid reader. I wanted to develop my own book writing and reading application. I took inspiration from Wattpad. Here again, I use Expo. My backend is written in Nest.js and file upload and storage is handled by firebase firestore.


Native Jobs

Job searching is an important part in the life of a Software Engineer, but most of jobseeking websites are bloated. I wanted a simple, beautiful app that would help me look for React & React Native jobs easily.


C/C++ Projects

As a developer I am conviced that in the long run, those who have a solid foundation of the inner workings of their tools and computer science will have more exciting opportunities, also, I was always passionate by learning how things work under the hood. I just do not wish to be a simple user of higher level tools, I want to contribute to the industry and have the freedom of choice to build my own tools when needed. Therefore I am learning more complex topics and building tools for my own curiosity and use.


I've always wondered how programming languages are made. I didn't shy away and took a deep plunge in the compiler and interpreter design world. It really changed my perspective about programming and motivated me to learn even more. Here is a simple interpreter written in C


Auto Hacker

A small video game that I'm still building in C/C++



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